MON: 09.23.24 -- 5:00 PM ET

Deadline: 2025 Emerging Leaders in Architecture Nomination & Grant

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Started in 2009, ELA is an intensive program of educational sessions structured around presentations, discussions, team exploration, analysis, consensus-building, collaboration, and case study activities undertaken over the course of a year by a small cadre of participants (16) selected for their potential to be outstanding contributors to the profession and the community.

Along with the all alumni steering and executive committee, facilitators and mentors who are established leaders in the building, finance, non-profit, development, university, legal, consulting, and design professions and in the community at large develop and deliver the sessions, designed to provide participants with advanced knowledge and skills related to specific areas of leadership and practice.

The program consists of monthly, day-long seminars, work sessions, and class project presentations, culminating at a presentation at Architecture Exchange East in November.

The seminars are interactive, drawing on real examples and actively involving participants. They rotate among sites in Roanoke, Charlottesville, Richmond, Alexandria, and Norfolk in conjunction with the firms, schools, and the local AIA component in each area.

Learn more about the SCC committee.
Learn more about the YAF committee.