Photo Credit ©️ Scott Grahamon via UnSplash
You Want Me to Decide What? The Architect as Initial Decision Maker
By Annica Mae Mattus, Esq., and Daniel M. Eggleston, Esq.Lee/Shoemaker PLLC When an athlete is called for a foul, quite often they confront the referee and dispute the call. While we generally view referees as neutral, would this perception change if the referee was being paid by one of the teams? Would the team paying for the referee expect favorable...

Photo Credit ©️ Wesley Tingey via UnSplash
Pre-Litigation Dispute Resolution: An Off-Ramp to the Drain of Litigation
By Daniel M. Eggleston, Esq. and Curtis A. Orshoski, Esq.Lee/Shoemaker PLLC At the outset of each project, the last thing most design professionals are thinking about is a dispute. If you’ve been in the business long enough, however, you’ve almost certainly had the unfortunate distinction of being involved in a project-related dispute that morphed into a claim. Too often, design...

Photo Credit ©️ Ian Hutchinson via UnSplash
The FTC’s Sweeping Ban on Non-Competes: What Does It Mean for Design Firms?
By Taylor T. Dolan, Esq. and J. Scott Shannon, Esq.Lee/Shoemaker PLLC In the wake of state-specific bans on non-compete agreements, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) recently issued a final rule (“Final Rule”) prohibiting all U.S. for-profit employers from (1) entering into non-compete agreements with employees or independent contractors and (2) enforcing existing non-competes, with very limited exceptions. While legal challenges...

Photo Credit © Chuttersnap via UnSplash
Corporate Transparency Act: What Design Firms Need to Know
By Taylor T. Dolan, Esq. and Nathan B. Greyard, Esq.Lee/Shoemaker PLLC The Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”), effective January 1, 2024, will impact millions of small businesses in the United States. Enacted to deter and enable enforcement against illicit activity, the CTA requires newly formed and previously created companies to file a Beneficial Ownership Information (“BOI”) Report with the Financial Crimes...

Photo Credit ©️ Dan via UnSplash
Project File Management: How to Lower Risks and Raise Profits
Project files grow quickly, and you need controls that direct your employees on how to manage project documents as they are generated. Addressing your firm’s internal, organizational inefficiencies can also eliminate needless risk and improve your bottom line. From a risk management perspective, executing a clear document management process strengthens your information security and improves your ability to address a...

Photo Credit ©️ Deep via UnSplash
Demystifying The Professional Liability Insurance Policy
Unless you have experienced a claim, your interaction with your professional liability (“PL”) carrier may be limited to paying your premium. Insurance premiums are one of the most significant expenses A/E firms face on an annual basis, and they’re getting more costly. However, the amount that design professionals pay for errors and omissions coverage is only one of a number of important...
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